Howl at the Moon

Event Date

Sep 13, 2019



Two posted for some fun in the full moon.   Thanks to Mater I didnt have to sad clown. Pleasure to lead as always.


13 x SSH (IC)

13 x Squats (IC)

13 x Monkey Humpers (IC)

13x Cotton Pickers (IC)

Arm Circles forward and backwards


13 x KB Around the world – 13 each direction OYO

13 x KB Curls both hands or 13 each arm as needed OYO

13 x KB Merkins- hand on bell- 13 OYO

13 x KB Ribbons- 13 total OYO

13 x KB Lawn mower pulls each arm OYO

13 x KB Squat press – OYO

13 x KB Iversons – OYO

13 x KB Upright rows OYO

13 x KB Standing skull crushers   OYO

13 x American KB swings

13 x Sidewinders

13 x single arm shoulder press- each side OYO

13 x deadlift OYO

KB carry to top of parking lot and back

Repeato for max rounds (1 and ¾ rounds completed)


LBC (IC) x 13

Low flutter (IC) x 13

Pretzel crunch (IC) x 13 Left and right


Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall- Proverbs 16:18

None of us got where we are on our own.  God, family, friends, etc…Our only source of true power is presence of the divine within us.

Name-a-rama and prayer out