IPC Week 3 at The Sword

FNG-1 = Phoenix

14 men took on the IPC while Crab Legs very smartly ran a Standard and skedaddled out of there. DonHo, Ultraman, and Turncoat also ran a Standard and Rocket ran the sub-Standard. We met by the pull up bars where YHC had already pulled out blocks to save time. Disclaimer was given. We warmed up quickly as follows



  • SSH x 15 IC
  • Windmill x 10 IC
  • Arm Circles


  • 10 pull-ups
  • 15 Burpee coupon jump overs
  • 20 block curls
  • 25 squat thrusters
  • 30 Gas Pumps (Reverse Crunches)

Rinse and repeat for 43 minutes.


Haven't seen her in ages. I miss her 



  • F3 Greenwood pax in the video downplayed this one. It really really sucked.
  • We had tunes which helped. DonHo questioned Madonna being on the playlist, but aren't we all just material girls living in a material world?
  • Amen broke out dance moves when Take On Me by Aha came on *trolldance*

Just a reminder to all pax, at the end of the day – it's you vs. you. The men around you are there to support and push you. Period. Despite it being a competition, the IPC isn't mean to create divisivenes but the exact opposite. It's meant to inspire pax to push beyond what they had thought was their limits and to have their brothers be there with them. This morning sucked, but it was still fun because it sucked together. Be proud of the reps you put in and consider it a testament to how much stronger you've gotten since you started F3. Don't get caught up in the Twitter threads with pax that may be taking the challenge a little too seriously. As Auto so eloquently put it last Saturday, "What's the prize money?"

Here are the accumulated reps for the day in no particular order. Remember to input your score at https://f3greenwood.com/ironpax-form/:

  • Cousin Eddie – 800 reps
  • Ultraman – 800 reps
  • Rocket – 555 reps
  • DonHo – 763 reps
  • Phoenix  575 reps
  • Carpet Bagger – 500 reps
  • Moses – 733 reps
  • Mr. Holland – 620 reps
  • Turncoat – 622 reps
  • Amen – 500 reps
  • Funky Town – 500 reps
  • Hoodie – 670 reps
  • Pancho – 600 reps
  • Cherry Bomb – 800 reps

Thank you DonHo for the opportunity to lead. Until next time – CB