IPC Week 1: The Second Coming

7 pax arrived at The Sword this morning to avoid The Murph. Turncoat had reached out to YHC over the weekend to inform that he was planning to do IPC Week 1 since he missed it due to BRR. Originally, YHC was going to have pax do Chelsea for 30 minutes. But then the wise words of DonHo came to mind: No one should do these IPC workouts alone. So we moseyed a little and did a quick warm-up.



  • SSH x 20 IC
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Carrot Puller x 15 IC
  • Windmill x 10 IC
  • Merkin x 10 IC


The Thang

At this point, I informed the pax that we were going to be doing the IPC with Turncoat. Groans were heard. Deep sighs were given in response. However, the pax being the HIMs they are sucked it up and joined in the fun


Broad jumps x 10 YDS OYO (1st cone)
Burpees x 10 OYO
Bonnie Blairs x 10 OYO
Big Boi Situps x 10 OYO

Broad jumps x 10 YDS OYO (2nd cone)
Burpees x 10 OYO
Bonnie Blairs x 10 OYO
?Big Boi Situps x 10 OYO

Broad jumps x 10 YDS OYO (3rd cone)
Burpees x 10 OYO
Bonnie Blairs x 10 OYO
?Big Boi Situps x 10 OYO

Bear crawl x 30 YDS OYO (Back to the start)

Repeato until complete 5 sets


Pick up the 6, and slow mosey to launch


  • High plank
  • Downward Dog
  • Pigeon Right Leg
  • Pigeon Left Leg

Recover. Recover.



  • Mumblechatter started off strong but quickly tapered off as pax could only open mouths to gasp for air.
  • Sign your teams up for the Shield Lock Challenge taking place in a couple of weeks. Here's the link: https://f3lakenorman.com/announcement/shield-lock-challenge
  • Strong work by all today. Great to see TC push himself to complete all 4 weeks of the IPC. Tclaps for pushing himself when he didn't have to.


Thanks DonHo for the opportunity to lead. Until next time – CB