Habitat Hills for Humanity

I believe 2 met the standard because running for 45 minutes just isn’t enough for them (Tantrum and Turnpike). The other 7 normal pax joined them for a mystery run led by YHC.WARMORAMA:Titan usually consists of a pre-determined running route with a few pain stations along the way. I didn’t want to rock the boat too much, so I followed suit. Of course, if anybody knows me, you know I like to twist things up a bit from time to time. Therefore, in the drive in, I scouted out a half-mile section of road with hills-a-plenty. It was a little off the normal path, so we did a half-mile warm-up joggy jog to get to the launch pad. We stopped a couple times along the warm-up run to do SSH, Carrot Pullers, Toy Soldiers and Squats.THANG:Once we got to the launch pad, The rules were explained to run a little faster than normal (75-80% max) up the hills and a little slower recovery (50%) down the hills. Stop at each turn-around point to regroup with an active pain station (squats, lunges, stretches, crunches, pteradactyl claps, overhead claps peppered in). The launch pad started at the bottom of a short hill. Followed by a short down hill. Then a LONG uphill ending with a medium-sized downhill to the turn-around point.After the second round of out-and-backs, time was running short so the third round was shortened only to the top of the second hill (sucked just as badly). Then, finished up with a cool down jog back to the AO. All in all we covered about 3.75 miles within 45 minutes, including pain stations.MOLESKIN:-Everyone looked great this morning. Lots of Tuna 200, Huntersville Half and Hilton Head participants in full training mode getting faster and increasing distance/endurance.-Special thanks to Mona Lisa’s Q last week that showed me where these hills were.-Turnpike was busy leading the pack this morning; his usual M.O.-The Force told me after that doing a third round would have been a bad idea. He was right?-We found out from Jaws that many of the homes that we were running past were Habitat for Humanity homes. Thus, the name of this episode of Titan.-3rdF challenge this morning: Today, everytime you say “I have to…” try changing it to “I get to…” Find the blessing in all that we do.