First Thursday Challenge – Hottest Day Edition

Once again we came out to challenge ourselves at the 1st Thursday Challenge at The Wilderness. 

I think all agreed that this one sucked more than normal.  Could be because this was to become one of the hottest, if not the hottest, *alert*day of the year?   

YHC drove up to the AO since he was packing a BlueTooth speaker and phone.  Stopped to pick up Toxic on the way who thought it was the M since I was in her car.  Wizardry!*mindblown*


Mosey over to the new Basketball court end of the parking lot.  Music was already playing, the Pax approved. *headphones*


SSH x15ic

Slo Windmill x10ic

Cotton Pickers x10ic

Mountain Climbers x10ic

Pause for some "black arts" downward dog

IST x10ic


The Thang


The old 1st Thursday challeng had 7x sets, counting down from 21x reps down to the 3, so: 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, and 3 is seven sets, dropping 3 reps each set.  With the new Challenge, we start at 7x reps and GO UP 1x rep each set, with a goal of getting to the 15x rep set which is completing the 14x rep set, for a total of 8 sets.  So in the new Challenge, you have a little less running but end up doing one more set.  


It went something like this: 


7x CDDs at Basketball Court end

7 x Low Flutters at the Court end

7x Jump Squats at the elbow of the parking lot

7x Pull Ups at Playground

7x Dips at the benches at the Playground

7x Walking Lunges total, not each leg, on way back to the basketball court 


Repeat, going UP one rep on all exercises the next set.  




Once YHC completed the 15x rep set, called it for 10 minutes of Mary.  


Touch them heels x15 ic

Box cutter x15 ic

Suzane Summer x25ic 

LBC x15 ic

WW2 OYO x15

90degree toe touch x10ic

Plank, Downward Dog, Calf Stretch


Recover recover


The Moleskin


Die Hards comment right after recover, recover was "That sucked".  *hungover*To which I mumbled something about carrying about his fitness.  YHC later also said that "That sucked" during the announcements.  


IKEA was also not happy with calling out a "Come on!" *headbang*when going past 20 reps on the Suzanne Summers.  Tough crowd, but ICAYF (#icareaboutyourfitness).


Frontier and Ultraman were leading the charge most of the morning.  I believe they completed the set of 18x reps.  Strong work!


Rodeo was really enjoying (not) the pull ups.  Once again, ICAYF*excellent*


Amen took of the shirt and went Chipendale after the COT.  Atleast I hope it was after the COT.  


Go forth and be great leaders in the community!*bicep*


TG sends
