JAV JAVA JAVA…….another humid day of running…..when will it end????

Warm- O-Rama

Short jog from Starbucks to the movie theater

IST x 15 ic

Cotton Picker x 15 ic

Runners stretch left and right

Windmill x 15 ic

Run Segment #1– Ran down the greenway (about 1/2 way) and stopped for LBC's x 15 ic, Dieing cockroach x 10 ic

Run Segment #2– Ran the greenway up to West Moreland and stopped at the top of the hill for W's x 15 ic, WW2's x 10 single count

Run Segment #3– Ran back half way (Pax took over some of the exercises as the Q was covering the 6). Q did throw in a set of LBC's x 15 ic

Run segment #4– Ran back to Birkdale Village and stopped in front of Pure Barre. We stretched our calves and did LBC's x 15 ic

Run Segment #5– Ran down the back road behind the busineses to the front of Birkdale Village and then came back down Birkdale Commons to end up at Stabucks


Great showing this morning. We had a total of 18 for JAVA. Not a JAVA record but a number we have not seen in a while. Also, there were (4) guys rucking (I did not include them in our offcial count). 

Special shout out to Riverboat who turned 54 today. As part  of his B day personnal challenge ritual he broke off from us and ran the 5K straight without stops with a goal of hitting sub 7:30 miles. I think he ended up with 7:40 miles. Omega decided to join him and was the pace horse (or pony).  

Frogger, Crab legs and Hacker ran an extra 4 miles afterwards. Those guys are running beasts!

Knarly Goat broke off and got in some extra miles in prep for the Bourbon Chase

Many of the guys coming to JAVA have been training for the Bourbon Chase…..so the pace has picked up quite a bit. Today we ran 3.21 miles at a 9:07 pace per my watch. Considering the 4 stops and our watches adding a little time at each stop…..I'd say we were sub 9 min miles. Not too shabby!

Great to see UNITED out there giving a 110%. Awesome work and keep it up!

To the rest of the guys…….nice work in getting after it today. It was an honor to be your Q.

Thanks to Full Moon for allowing me the opportunity to lead

Outlaw is looking for local business donations for the F3 Christmas party raffle. Please try to help if you can (or we will have to hear this for the 57 days). But seriously, reach out to the local businesses you frequent and see if they are willing to help. All proceeds go to support  "Operation Sweet Tooth".