Kickball and Donuts at F3 Dad’s!

Event Date

Oct 05, 2019

Another great F3 Dad's, this time at THE ESTATE!

2.0's in attendance were: Donut, Ms. Sassy Molassy, Spicoli, MVP, Biz, Outer Space, and three FNG 2.0's (two with Mr. Hand, one with Swanson).

The Full Show: Warm-O-Rama & Thang & Mary

  • Lap around the parking lot
  • High-knees
  • Tushy-tappers
  • Side-lunges
  • Surprise Burpees (never ask a 2.0 what exercise is next)
  • SSH
  • Windmill
  • IST
  • Mericans
  • WWII
  • Touch-dem-heels
  • Frankensteins
  • Cotton-pickers / Apple-grabbers / Strawberry-farmers / Carrot-tuggers / Low-nose-pickers / Child-raisers
  • Ruck-a-kid to the softball field
  • Three innings of kickball!
  • And to finish… plank (final 30 seconds with kids on dad's back)
  • Recover-recover!


  1. Kosar shall now by known as Shirly Temple.
  2. Turnpike can be vicious with gunning down careless base-runners, doesn't matter if they are four years old.
  3. Happy birthday to Swanson's 2.0, what a great start to the day, glad we could be the first to sing to you!
  4. Excellent ruck technique from Sponge Bob… most of us put kids on our backs in traditional piggy-back style, he did a proper fireman's carry.  This man knows things.
  5. Mr. Hand brings us two FNG's and a beastly defender in Spicoli – all he needs are some tasty waves…
  6. Thanks all for coming, hope you had a great morning!