For whom the Bell swoles

Event Date

Oct 11, 2019

A mid week Q switch with brother Scope, and a bust Thursday made for a good all fall back to tabata style SchoolBellz session.

0530 go time


SSH (IC) x 15
Toy soldiers (IC) x 10
Windmills (IC) x 10
Shameless BBBroga plug as we all took pleasure in one of brother Bertha's fine leg stretches

Warm-up lap
Regular, quadra-feelya, karioke left, karioke right, butt kickers, back to regularrr

Goal was 20 secs movement, 40 secs pain, 10 sec rest, repeato repeato

Round 1—counter clock-wise
American Swings/Bear crawl
Curls left arm/Crawl bear
Curls right arm/Forward lunge
Goblet squat/Backward lunge
Sidewinders/Crab walk
Rows right arm/Walk crab
Rows left arm/Dragon walk
Clean & Snatch right arm/High knees
Clean & Snatch left arm/Butt kickers
Julius calk raises/Inch worms 

Round 2—clock-wise (mostly)
Alternating arm swings/Bear crawl
Prone Suppine press/Crawl bear
Ribbons/Forward lunge
Deadlift/Backward lunge
Squat hold/Crab walk
Skullcrushers/Walk crab
Around the world/Dragon walk
Forward press/Buttkickers
OH Hold/Inch worm

LBCs (IC) x 10
Freddie Mercurys (IC) x 10
LBCs (IC) x 10

REFLECTION—thanks to brother Spork

Psalms 133:1

"Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity."

-YHC reflected on the last 3 years in F3 and what it has meant to me.  At any point I know there are brothers there for me in whatever I may need, and I truly hope they know I am there for them.
-I still think back to the day during the wind and rain from Hurricane (what a cool F3 name that would be) Matthew and enjoying the gloom with brothers Sonar, Clubber, Closer, and Venus.  Though some brothers come and go, or post less frequently, they know we are here if they choose to show.
-There was no relief from the wrath of Crawdad regardless of the direction we moved.  He made up for it in making sure we were calling exercises the right name and keeping good form.  #HeIsAPro
-There were more sweatshirts than tanks at the beginning but by the end the tanks were out and gunz were blazing.
-Mater had trouble with the turns but got it tuned in during the hot laps.
-Sonar, although missing the hat, got his sexy on during the ribbon ceremony.
-C# makes it out for a weekday and the gloom is always better when he does.  Still fighting the shoulder but was throwing around 2 bellz by the end.
-Marker has his diet and routine dialed in after a brief scare earlier in the week.  He's also sporting a pretty KA beard that some of the (younger, out of touch) PAX didn't know was in style.
-Zippy is (finally) awarded his OST t-shirt for his efforts in the August School drive push.
-Prayers and praises were sent up for those with work/job issues, those that may be struggling with gloom motivation, and for the great group of 2.0's we are blessed with.

Truly enjoyed those that were there, and missed those that were not.
