The Great Pumpkin

7 hard-chargers gathered (or in Blackbeard's case wandered, or in RO's case rucked) to wait for the Great Pumpkin.  We waited a while for his great orange-ness to arrive, and with no joy, we set out to search him down.  

We meandered around the general area doing all sorts of exercises until, at last, there he was… THE GREAT PUMPKIN!   And he brought hundreds of his pumpkin minions.  Thus we commenced pumpkin-cise.  I think we were the only AO in the country doing pumpkin curls, pumpkin presses and pumpkin crushers.  Jedi established a particularly special relationship with his great pumpkin.

We continued our meandering mumblechattering until we arrived back at the launch point to have a solid discussion of LEGACY.

Gents, that's a morning we can hang our hats on.  Aye.

GG sends.