Java earned and burned

Event Date

Oct 17, 2019


Nine Pax earned their Java with a popular route run clockwise: Starbucks to Walgreens for warm-o-rama; stops at Kenton Place fountain, Robbins Park pavilion and Robbins Park greenway entrance. There were merkins, squats, monkey humpers, step-ups, dips, low flutters and LBCs for pain.

Omar was the Alpha dog we chased for precisely 3.1 miles. Java record for pace that allowed a full 7 minutes of Mary, but no time for shoulder tap merkins—sorry Snake Eyes you get first dibs at YHC’s next Q.

Much mumblechatter from Kid Rock about YHC’s choice of shirt and its impact on his ability to follow.

2nd F moves inside due to cooler temperatures, but same great fellowship.

Keep all Bourbon Chase and Tuna runners in our prayers for safe travel and running at these events.



