The Adventures of the traveling rock

The adventures of the traveling rock


5:30 Wake up mosey to rock pile beside parking deck. Disclaimer provided – we will be traveling with this rock so pick wisely.


Start mosey to front of DPK. Mix in some high knees, butt kickers, and carioca. Put rocks down and circle up for warm-o-rama.



SSH 20x IC

IST 10x IC

Cotton picker 10x IC

Toy Soldier 10x IC

Windmill 10x IC


The Thang (Grab your rock and get reacquainted cuz everything from here on out we will be using the rock)


Steps ups 10x OYO 

Dips with rock in lap 10x IC

Decline merkins 10x IC

Rock Webb (starting with 5 merkins and 10 overhead presses – working up to 10 merkins and 20 overhead presses)


Zamperini switching to curls as needed on our way to basement level of parking deck 


Grab some wall for people’s chair 

  • Overhead press 10x IC
  • Touch dem heels 10x IC



Skull crushers 10x IC

Squat 10x IC

Rock twists 10x IC

Rockpees 5x OYO


Grab a parking line

Plank walk across and back parking line while sliding rock 

Bear crawl up three parking lines while sliding rock

Crab walk up three lines while carrying rock in lap 


Forward lunges up to next level of parking garage


Curls 10x IC

Jump squats 10x OYO

The W 10x IC

Rockpees 5x OYO


Reverse lunges up to next level


Bent over rows 10x IC

Calf raises 20x OYO

World War II sit ups 20x OYO

Rockpees 5x OYO


Side lunges with chest press back down next two levels


Slow mosey with curls while we Returned rocks to their resting place. We all had enough fun with them today. 


Mosey pass the cars to the small smooth patch of concrete and circled up for Mary



LBCs 15x IC (Stray)

Pretzel crunch 10x IC (Caboose)

Shoulder touch Merkins 20x IC (Qbert)




We almost put out a missing person report on Stray but we appeared at 5:50. Caboose was antsy since Stray promised coffee and some quality 2ndF.


Nice to meet you this morning Master Po.


Always a pleasure to work out with each and every one of you. Thanks for joining me where it all started for me last year.


Thanks to my shield lock team for pushing me the last week and half at the workouts as well as to try other workouts and break my typical routine of certain workouts.


Reminder I’ve got the Q for my 1st F3 Anniversary tomorrow morning at Fission.


Thanks for the opportunity to Q Jimmy O,

Cousin Eddie