You dip I dip we dip

Event Date

Oct 30, 2019

6 dippers did all the dips and most of the situps. Here is their story:


Dingo, Lego, DonHo & Auto met The Standard for ~3 miles



Typical warm up excercises to prepare our triceps for the onslaught of dips to come


Dips x 15 IC

Dips x 15 IC

Dips x 15 IC

Dips x 15 IC

Dips x 15 IC

WWII Situps x 20 IC

Dips x 15 IC

Dips x 15 IC

Dips x 15 IC

Dips x 15 IC

Dips x 15 IC

WWII Situps x 20 IC

Dips x 15 IC

Dips x 15 IC

Dips x 15 IC

Dips x 15 IC

Dips x 15 IC

WWII Situps x 20 IC

Dips x 15 IC

Dips x 15 IC

Dips x 15 IC

Dips x 15 IC

Dips x 15 IC

WWII Situps x 20 IC

Dips x 15 IC

Dips x 15 IC

Dips x 15 IC

Dips x 15 IC

Dips x 15 IC

WWII Situps x 20 IC

Dips x 15 IC

Dips x 15 IC

Dips x 15 IC

Dips x 15 IC

Dips x 15 IC

WWII Situps x 20 IC


There was no Mary, instead we put up our blocks as we ran out of time

Recover recover



  • Lego took the shield lock photo…it happened. This is proof.
  • Hoodie, Turncoat and Professor almost made it
  • No shins were harmed in the making of this back blast
  • Pray for Spreader this weekend…Pi Kappa is having a huge party for Elon's homecoming
  • Mopar hates jeeps
  • Dingo is never allowed back in Davidson after The Incident
  • Auto is probably grateful for the opportunity to Q at The Mighty Oak. He said no running and he meant it.