Don’t Drop the Candy

Event Date

Oct 31, 2019

Five of Wilderness regulars (a.k.a. men who lack better judgement than to exercise at 0510 in the rain) opted to chase their Halloween candy and avoid the fartsack. They are all better for it.



  • Mosey lap around parking lot; second lap with side-shuffle left and right, High Knees and  Butt Kickers.
  •  Cotton Pickers x 10 IC; SSH x 31 IC; ISTs x 10 IC; Mountain Climbers x 31 IC
  • 10 burpees OyO / 15 Squats x IC / 10 Incline Merkins x IC



  • Mosey to rock pile near volleyball court and select traveling rock. Mosey back to Whoville tree.


Don’t Drop the Candy

  • Partner up SDNM. Rocks do NOT touch ground until all Pax return from complete 2 laps as instrucuted. Penalty = 5 burpees.
  • Partner movement with rocks: P1 carries both rocks and starts lap from tree to basketball court. P2 does 20 single count Carolina Dry Docks then runs to catch P1. Flip-Flop with P2 proceeding with rocks on lap with P1 does CDDs. Continue until partners complete 2 full laps.


All the Saints Ladder

  • 11 skull-crushers at circle tree/ run to other end of lot near basketball court and do 1 jump-squat; run back to rocks. Bear-crawl around the circle. Repeat for ladder 10-2, 9-3…to 1-11. Audible after 8-4 to eliminate the bear crawl
  • Full curl x 10 IC. Return rocks to pile and circle up for MARY.



  • Low Flutter x 15 IC /  Rosalita x 15 IC / 30 second elbow plank / J-Lo x 10 IC
  • Recover – Recover



  • Five pax is four more than I thought would arrive when at 5:08 it was just YHC standing under the clubhouse porch watching the rain stop. Extra T-claps for all who braved the elements to get a good work out.
  • Jorel’s almanac rule held as the rain (mostly) stopped from 0510 to 0555
  • Keep the Butler Family, Fenway and LaPrell family in our prayers
  • Everyone have a safe and dry Halloween tonight
  • Thanks Top Gun for the privilege of leading this great AO. Always lots of options to adapt as conditions change. Thanks for the post work-out reminder of how real teamwork is executed in the military.



