It’s Running Season!

Event Date

Nov 05, 2019


5 of LKN's fastest set off on another #GAGA adventure.  Here is their story.

0445 – YHC, fresh off a late night of watching the New York Football Giants implode AGAIN, hits snooze and seriously debates the merits of getting up at this un-Godly hour.  For a solid 10 minutes, I consider bailing on my own MQ but, accountability wins out and i scramble out of the fart sack and head over to the AO. 

0515 – As YHC comes screeching in on 2 wheels, Gray Ghost, Auto, Snoopy and Chamois all there ready to roll.  Ironic comment of the day from Gray Ghost  "i thought this AO rolled at 0515".. says the guy who is notorious for missing morning runs.  


Intervals for Auto, Chamois and YHC – 6 x 800 around the Gaga loop

7 miles for Snoopy and a tapering Ghost

Recover, Recover



  • Auto is a beast.  Crushed every round.  He is also a better chaser than frontrunner.  He sandbagged me on loop 5
  • Chamois smoked both of us again.  Same as it ever was.
  • Great to see Ghost and Snoop back out for morning runs.  The pax are better when you guys are around
  • This is easily YHC's least favorite workout.  I hate it. I didn't want to get up and do it.  But i did.  I did it because of the men who got up and did it with me.  and i'm better for it.
  • We noticed you weren't there, Anchovy
  • Tempo Thursday returns this week!  Trust me, it's totally a thing. #pb to come

