Three Amigos

Event Date

Nov 08, 2019

Warm-up:SSH x 20 ICIST x 20 ICCotton Pickers * 20 ICMountain Climbers * 20 ICThang:Rounds 1 & 2-Pax 1 farmer carrier (ruck & 40lbs sandbag) the width of parking lot and back-Pax 2 kettlebell curls until pax 1 gets back-Pax 3 burpees until pax 1 gets back-rotate throughSlow mosey around the parking lot.Using 10 parking spots:-bear crawl to and from-lunge walk to and from-broad jump burpee to and fromRounds 3 & 4-same as rounds 1 & 2 but instead of burpees and curls we did upright row and skull CrushersMerkin shuffle side walk curb as is our custom at The IntimidatorMary:LBC x 50 IC