Ricky Bobby

Event Date

Nov 09, 2019

3 Men showed up in the sun for Nascar themed event

Warmorama: SSHX 25, MercansX10, Cherry pickers and windmill

The Thang: Fast Mosey to the track to compete in the Ricky Bobby 500.

 Moleskine: Dave Ramsey has an informative podcast about student loan forgiveness

                   Persistent chatter yielded variable results with lap completion times – I guess there were a few caution laps

                   Iowa legend, Carson King, donates all the money raised, above the cost of a case of beer, resulting from his College Game Day sign, pleading for $ to replenish his depleted Busch Lite stash.  Doug verbally appreciates the Iowa wisdom after the Des Moines Register digs up reTweeted dirt on Mr King.  (Editorial staff resigned en masse and thousands of subscriptions cancelled)

An honor and a pleasure