Post Veterans Day Workout

Event Date

Nov 12, 2019


3 emerged in the increasing rainfall to pay homage to Kenny Loggins.    

10 x Windmill

10 x Merican

15 x Plank Jacks

10 x Toy Soldiers

The Thang

Audible change with rain and Dandelion nursing a mortal wound, catch next Tuesday’s workout for the real deal. 

Mosey back to back playground.  Cue up some patriotic music including Top Gun anthem! 

Max pull ups. 

Grab a block:

15 x Curls

30 x squats

15 x Skull crushers

30 x calf raises

Run to LBH and do 5 Burpees

Repeato 3x. 

Max Pull Ups

Mosey to AO. 

Bear Crawl and Crawl Bear in parking lot in honor or USMC and USA

Broad Jumps in honor of Zoomies

In the rain so USN was covered. 

High knees up/mosey back.

Butt Kickers up/mosey back.

Karoke x 2.


15 x Flutter Kicks

20 x Can Openers

20 x WWI

10 x Heels to Heaven

15 x Hello Dolly

10 x In and Outs

30 sec American Hammer

Mobile Coffeeteria

Warm coffee, pumpkin bread with fellowship in the SVU AO! 

Reflection: Golden/Platinum rule

In line with Mater’s reflection yesterday and in honor of Veterans Day:

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13)

Although most of us are not called to the level of sacrifice of giving your life for others we can embody the meaning of putting aside our own desires and priorities for the benefit of others.  Whether its volunteering, giving a gift to someone vs splurging on ourselves or as Mater so clearly explained giving away the last donut we can find moments to put others first.  Remember servant level leadership is about taking care of your people first, whoever those people are in your life. 


Dandelion limping along but his motivation and participation this am much appreciated.

Mater and I engaged in some squid talk re-living old Navy memories and reflecting on how we have seen good and “other” leaders. 

Fair Winds and Following Seas
