Warm and Dry at DPK

Event Date

Nov 15, 2019

And not listed: Camel Back aka 2 Humps

It was a cool morning, but that didn't stop 7 of LKNs finest from posting at the Cauldron.  YHC took the liberty of moving the AO to DPK for a change of scenary and coffee at Main Street Coffee in downtown Huntersville.  Almost had a convergence with a FIA group, but managed to stay out of each other's way. 


Arm Circles fwd and back, then x10 IC Windmills, Cotton Pickers, plank, calf stretches, arm stretches

The Thang

Zamparini over to the parking deck basement to find some cinder blocks

Finished the arm stretches, then began with

All 10x IC

Lo Curls

Skull Krusher

Hi Curl

Overhead Press

Kettle Bell Swings x 10 OYO

Burpess x 10 OYO

Lawn Mowers

Suit Case pickup, 10x IC each side 

Full Curls

On your six for

10x Danger Zones, 10x Chest Press, 10x Mason Twist 

Back on your feet for 

Around the World or Swing Blade (not so easy with blocks). 

Then repeato all, only left the Around the World Swing Blades out

and did 30x IC Top Gun Full Curls to the delite of the pax!  Maybe not. 


On you six for 

10x IC low flutters w/ bell

10x OYO World War 2 situps w/ Bell

10x IC Box Cutters w/ bell

Touch them hells, without the bell, just for a break

On your face for the plank or front leaning rest for some dark arts low pigeon mobility moment. 

Recover Recover


Good times had by all today.  37F out this morning, but in the garage felt like 47F. Quite warm considering. 

FIA did not seem to mind us invading on there turf.  Did note that they were all long gone by the time we made it out to the cars.  35 minute workout? 

Good coffeeteria at Main Street Coffee.  Feels good to give a little to the locals.  Let's keep it up!

Thanks to Ultraman for the chance to lead! 

TG sends, Aye