Say it to my face

Event Date

Nov 16, 2019

11 for a windy in your face beatdown.  FNG's listed above just haven't registered yet. They are Boucher (But LKN already has a Bobby Boucher), Easy Bake, Socrates, Chewbacca

30 sec. Arm circles
15 IC Cotton pickers
15 IC Tony Hawks
15 IC Mt Climbers
Green Sally Up – PAX choice ‘Mericans or Squats

The Work
Mosey to the track for Griff.  What is Griff?? Griff is a Crossfit Hero WOD "In honor of USAF SSgt Travis L. Griffin, 28, who was killed April 3, 2008 in the Rasheed district of Baghdad by an IED strike to his vehicle. Travis is survived by his son Elijah."
800 yard run
400 Quadraphilia
800 yard run
400 Quadraphilia

100 yards of pain
25 dragon walk
25 lunge walk
25 bear crawl
25 burpee broad jump

Mosey to pull-up bars
3 groups
1’s do 10 pull-ups
2’s do 20 ‘mericans
3’s do 30 squats
Rotate through x2

Mosey back to launch pad
9 minute challenge
Q sets timer for 9 minutes. Beginning with the start do 3 burpees and every minute on the minute do 3 burpees. In the remaining time do 100 chest to ground ‘mericans and 100 big boi sit-ups. Can you complete it in 9 minutes.

0.5 MOM
X’s & O’s
Homer to Marge to Mr. Burns
20 low flutters
20 low dolly’s
10 Dr. W

30 seconds American Hammer

A popular phrase last week in F3 LKN… “Say it to my face”

Matthew 18:15 “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained a brother”
In F3, if you remember “Freed to Lead”, or maybe you haven’t read it, there is something called “Truth sayers”. We are truth sayers and we will “say it to your face”… hopefully we do that out of love. If I get out of line I expect you to “say it to my face” and I will do the same for you. We need to point out to each other where and when we see a brother getting out of line.


  • The Q promised fun and then reneged on that promise… well it was fun me YHC
  • 11 is really good numbers considering all of the CSAUP other Denver PAX are doing today. T-claps to those doing CSAUP and T-claps to the PAX for sticking through it on this workout.
  • Great work today, even though you all almost killed YHC halfway through the 9 minute challenge.