An Effective Team’s Fun Tour of Birkdale

Event Date

Nov 22, 2019


7 pax met on time in the gloom for the earliest workout in LKN. Here is their story:Warm up run, side shuffle, backwards, regular to the back lot. Lunge walk down the lot and pick up a cinder block. Someone complained we didn’t warm up enough, so… Warmorama: SSH, IST, Mountain Climbers, Tony Hawks, Apollo Ono’s, Windmills, Arm Circles.Cinder Work (this is where Ramrod literally emerges from the gloom wearing a weighted vest, looking like a SWAT team commander):Block Squats, take a lapCurls, take a lapShoulder Press, take a lapSkull Crushers, take a lapBurners, take a lapLawn MowersBlock-kinsPut the blocks up.Mosey to the brick wall for some People’s Chairs and Balls To The Wall intervals.Mosey to the forbidden ramp (I got special permission from someone in the gloom, I think). Plank Walk up and down the ramp.Mosey to the Christmas Tree for the merriest of MARY exercises:High-Knee JumpsBig Baby CrunchesPretzel CrunchesLow FluttersHeels to HeavenMason TwistMobility Moment (Pigeon, Down Dog)Elbow PlankRECOVER RECOVERQSource Discussion at Starbux was about teams. Leadership in spite of position. Everyone working toward the same goals. Defining a clear mission for professional teams, personal teams and family teams. Delegating to others for their development.MOLESKIN:Jedi takes Balls to the Wall to a whole new level performing said exercise whilst still standing on his feet.Glad Ramrod could find us, join us and scare us all at the same time. Great to have you.Dingo had several other options this morning, but blessed us (and me) with his presence. I’m flattered.Kotters to Nacho Libre. He’s looking as strong as ever.Code Blue seems to always be winning during a workout. Someone needs to challenge him soon.Jimmy O showed his ever-present strength in spirit, mind and body.Gnarly Goat was easy to keep track of with his florescent shirt and quick wit.