And there were Mericans…


11 men showed for a pre holiday beatdown. As promised, there were Mericans…

SSH, IST, Toy Soldier, Cotton Pickers, Windmills, Mericans all IC

Mosey to rockpile, with advice to pick a rock "you can live with"…

Partner up for Pyramid

100 Mericans, 200 curls, 300 LBC's
Partner 1 does reps while Partner 2 runs to end of block and back.  Flip flop and repeato.

Circle up for more work, all IC:

10 Shoulder press
10 bent over rows
10 Squats
10 Skull Crushers
10 Wide grip Mericans

10 Shoulder press
10 bent over rows
10 Squats
10 Skull Crushers
10 Ranger Mericans

10 Shoulder press
10 bent over rows
10 Squats
10 Skull Crushers
10 Diamond Mericans

Rocks back and mosey back to fountain.


Rosalita – DeepDish
Low Flutter – Cousin Eddie
Pretzel Crunch – Blackbeard
5 burpees OYO – Eeyore

Recover, recover

Strong effort this morning.  Welcome back to Kotters Magnus, Dry Rub, and Tiramisu

Hollywood has open dates, step up and get on the calendar.  Thanks to Gnarley Goat for letting me lead today.  Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Deep Dish