THE Rivalry Workout

The Mighty Jungle provided a great opportunity to start rivalry Saturday in true gameday fashion. At the same time we payed homage to THE greatest rivalry in sports… Ohio State vs. Michigan. 

Before we started our warm-up, Lawn Dart rolled into the parking lot in a beautiful scarlet truck blaring some of the worst music mankind has ever created.  Once that was over, we got the party started. 

Quick warm-up with the standard fare… SSH, Cotton Pickers, and Mericans. We added Girl Fights in honor of David Boston fighting Charles Woodson in 1997 and Heismans in honor of Charles Woodson's great season. Mosey around the parking lot the long way and then knocked out some calisthenic drills. High Knees, Carioca, backward Monster Walk, Bear Crawl. 

THE Thang was a hybrid of some great F3 workouts the Michigan and THE Buckeye. Each PAX grabbed a cinder block and got to work.

10 – Curls

Sprint 50yds down & back

10 – Curls IC

10 – LBCs IC

Sprint 50yds down & back

10 – Curls IC

10 – LBCs IC

10 – Slow Squats IC

Sprint 50yds down & back

10 – Curls IC

10 – LBCs IC

10 – Slow Squats IC

10 – Block Mericans IC

Sprint 50yds down & back

10 – Curls IC

10 – LBCs IC

10 – Slow Squats IC

10 – Block Mericans IC

10 – Low Flutters IC

Sprint 40yds down & back

8 – Curls IC

8 – LBCs IC

8 – Slow Squats IC

8 – Block Mericans IC

8 – Low Flutters IC

Sprint 40yds down & back

8 – Curls IC

8 – LBCs IC

8 – Slow Squats IC

8 – Block Mericans IC

8 – Low Flutters IC

Sprint 40yds down & back

8 – Curls IC

8 – LBCs IC

8 – Slow Squats IC

8 – Block Mericans IC

8 – Low Flutters IC

Sprint 30yds down & back

6 – Curls IC

6 – LBCs IC

6 – Slow Squats IC

6 – Block Mericans IC

6 – Low Flutters IC

Sprint 30yds down & back

6 – Curls IC

6 – LBCs IC

6 – Slow Squats IC

6 – Block Mericans IC

6 – Low Flutters IC

Mary was a quick exercise led by Bagboy, but YHC can't remember which one as I was busy getting the "Kegs & Eggs" ready for the PAX. 


Remaining true to THE Rivalry and starting the day right, we enjoyed the Kegs (beer cans) and Eggs for breakfast at the conclusion of workout. 

Another tough loss for Lawn Dart (currently 1 win in the last 16 games), but he is a great sport about it and is passionate about his team. 

A big O – H – I – O shoutout to Outlaw, Boar Hog and Rocket. Hope you all enjoyed THE game as much as I did.

Duvall proved he does have arms, but executing on 43mins worth of Zamperini… Note: this was not part of the workout, but since he is old, we gave him a pass.

Omaha, Bagboy and Knockout out in great effort. Unfortunately, their appreciation for championship caliber football is not high, but understandably so.

Thanks to Blackbeard for allowing me the opportunity to Q. It was a blast.