Taking the Turkey out of the Waistline

Event Date

Dec 05, 2019


Once more, into the breach!!  It was that time again for the 1st Thursday Challenge at The Wilderness and 4x pax came out to take the challenge!


Mosey over to the new Basketball court end of the parking lot. 


Slo Windmill x10ic

Cotton Pickers x10ic

Mountain Climbers x10ic

Downward Dog Calf Stretches

IST x10ic


The Thang


The Challenge: we start at 7x reps and GO UP 1x rep each set, with a goal of getting to the 15x rep set which is completing the 14x rep set, for a total of 8 sets, or more to achieve a new PB (personal best). 


It went something like this: 


7x CDDs at Basketball Court end

7 x Low Flutters at the Court end

7x Jump Squats at the elbow of the parking lot

7x Pull Ups at Playground

7x Dips at the benches at the Playground

7x Walking Lunges total, not each leg, on way back to the basketball court 


Repeat, going UP one rep on all exercises the next set.  




Once YHC completed the 16x rep set, called it for 10 minutes of Mary.  


Touch them heels x10 ic

Lo Flutters x10 ic (because we hadn't done enough of them"

Box cutter x10 ic

Suzane Summer x20 ic each side

WW2 OYO x10

Sit and reach, touch them toes!

Sit n reach, alternate legs pulled in

Sit n reach wide, middle, left, then right side

Plank to…

Hi and low pidgeon each side

Forward fold, reverse swan dive up, 

Breath out the Toxics (no show)


Recover recover


Strong work by all today. 


YHC had a PB of completing the 16x rep set, where I usually only make it to 15x since BEP was with me the whole way.  


Ultraman was nursing an achilies heel ailment, but he and Cherry Bomb both managed to complete their 17x rep set with a full ten minutes for Mary.  Strong work!


Good times had by all.  Sign up to Q!  Calendar for December and 2020 are wide open!


TopGun sends,
