First Learn Balance Daniel Son

Event Date

Dec 07, 2019

FNG-1 is Dabo-Bunny


  • 25 SSH IC
  • 5 SSH IC
  • 20 Toy Soldiers IC
  • 20 Mountain Climbers IC
  • 20 Storm Troopers IC

The Thang

  • Mosey (scalable) to baseball field hill
  • To bottom of hill 2 Merkins
  • Quadrophelia to top 4 LBCs
  • Repeat-o x 5, +2 Merkins and +4 LBC’s each trip
  • Mosey to pull-up bars
  • 5 pull ups
  • 10 squats
  • Repeat-o x 3
  • Mosey to block pile, grab your fav and circle up
  • 10 Curls for the girls gender neutral beings IC
  • 10 Skull Crushers IC
  • 10 Shoulder Presses
  • Block pass clockwise 1 minute
  • Block pass counterclockwise 1 minute
  • Repeat-o x 3
  • Blocks back, meet at the top of the hill
  • 1 minute wall sit
  • Mosey to flagpole, break into 2 groups
  • Group 1 20 dips on benches
  • Group 2 20 calf raises on curb
  • Repeat-o x 3, adding ‘Russian’ element to each exercise (1 leg up)


  • 4 + x Freddie Mercuries IC
  • 15 Jane Fonda’s each side IC
  • 5 Dr W’s IC


Luke 21:19 – Stand firm and you will win life

F3 helps to create balance in many of our lives.  It’s easy to skip workouts because of injury, work, fartsack, the list goes on.  No matter the case, have you ever felt bad after a workout?????  I know I always feel better.  Make it a point to stand firm with our commitments to F3. 

Please keep Mary Lee (Scope's mother-in-law), Toto, parade participants and SAT takers in your prayers


  • +5 SSH for Clark after being fashionably late
  • Mulligan, not to be outdone by Clark, showed up fashionably late to the Baseball Field
  • Everyone loves calf raises – so simple, yet how many actually did 20 without losing their balance????
  • Block passes made for an interesting exercise, 13 being a prime number really throws a wrench in the planned excercise
  • We need the following people on the conference call to please go on mute: the person shuffling cards, the person washing dishes, the person eating lunch and, of course, the person flushing the toilet
  • Was nice to see Crawdad and Scope on speaking terms today considering the SEC Championship today – GO DAWGS or GEAUX TIGERS

Pleasure to lead as always.