Delayed Response

4 for the standard where the pace varied as the q worried about making it back on time.  A crowd awaited the breathless 4 and as soon as 9lives finished prepping we warm up moseyed to the pull up bars with some high knees, butt kickers, and regular.  We circled up, a dislaimer was given and we warmed up with side straddle hops, wind mills, and thanks to Etch some sweet arm circles, we also had a mobility moment or two and finished with some mountain climbers and merkins.  

Next were the instructions for the day, do 5 burpies, 8 pullups, run a lap around the farthest island and when back grab a block and plank.  and like that we were off.  Once everyone was back we then did 15 curls, 15 skull crushers, 15 lawn mowers each arm, 20 chest press and 20 LBCs.  We repeated the 5 burpies and 8 pullups and this time ran around the second farthest island.  As we did block exercises this time the Q called BS on himself and we switched from lawnmowers to bent over rows and we did 1 less of each excercies.  It was this round I believe that Carpetbaggers words of wisdom started as he was consistenlty in the recover position as I started cadence.  His suggestions seemed to have a theme of me slowing down.  As we did the 3 round of all this…burpies, pullups run around third farthest island, all the excerices dropping one it was clear that we weren't making much progress on me slowing or some of the pax being ready, I threwout what I thought was a helpful piece of advice which is once I say the next excercise is the curl, the pax start getting in curl position instead of waiting until I say exercise.  I was given the idea to say the excercise first then next exercise.  Not sure it will work but I will give it a shot friday at the General.  Anyway, we wrapped up with a mosey back to the cars for some WWII situps, lots of low flutters and a few more merkins.  Great crew this am, I am usually bereaning on Monday but the Sword is a mighty fine AO with some great PAX.  Thanks for everyone who came and for CherryBomb giving me the chance to Q.  Maybe we will try this again with less warming up and even faster cadence and see if we can get in all 5 rounds!