Fightclub – cold and wet

Event Date

Dec 13, 2019

It was not a nice morning to train, but three men came out in the cold wet morning. We kept the drills simple and reviewed targeting and movement. As we discussed last week the positions and relationship between each involved will determine the available targets and options for movement. We practiced moving and striking while keeping the focus on body position, targets and movement options. One of the difficulties in fighting is overcoming the tendency to stop after a few strikes and retreat for safety. This sets up the "my turn,,, your turn" back and forth. We must develop an attack that uses the rule of threes. We must be able to continue with three attack movements with three strikes per move. It is a difficult task as most can only put together two maybe three strikes before not knowing what to do,,, and then backing off allowing the aggressor to attack.  The stress of a fight will  further restrict the ability to continue a cohesive assault so we repeat the same positions over and again to develop a natural flow.

In order to train the body to move properly we have been learning the 50 ways.. these sets of movements were developed to train the body in all ways the body can move. We reviewed a few of these and then practiced their technique and possible applications in real life situations. 

As always it was a pleasure to train with you fine men, even with the bitter cold and rain.

thank you once again

Tick Tock