Pace Bully Denied

Event Date

Dec 19, 2019


Five hard chargers emerged for frosty 5K and the Pax refused to be pace bullied by YHC. 

0501 launch per SOP with disclaimer and usual Warm-o-Rama at Wich-Wich. Tour included familiar stops on greenway, Robbins Park shelter and former Lowe's Foods. YHC fully utilized available AO props with dips, step-ups and incline Merkins at shelter and People's chair at Lowe's wall. Gnarly Goat concluded with 3 minutes of mobility stretches before adjourning for well earned coffee.


Route was precisely 5K and we had three headlamps and one reflective vest for those keeping stats.


Prayers for all those needing God's helping hand and for peace and joy in this season.


