Bells were Swinging to Christmas Music

Event Date

Dec 20, 2019

8x pax showed to the alternate Cauldron location at DPK.  This location is closer to Main Street Coffee (buy local!) and has shelter available under the parking deck.  At 25F, still cold enough to kill YHC's cell phone 30 minutes into the workout during Elvis' Blue Christmas (Elvis has left the building!).

 Image result for elvis blue christmas


SSH x 10 IC and some dark arts stretches and arm circles.

The Thang

YHC led the Pax through three sets of the following, with some variations

10x IC Full Curls (final set was Colt 45= 15 Lo, 15 Hi, 15 Full curls)

10x IC  Overhead Press

10x IC Lawn Mowers, each side 

10x IC Skull Krushers

10x IC Suit case pickups, each side, now officially named "The Traveler" thanks to The Force . *totes*

15x OYO Kettle Bell Swings

10x IC Gobblet Squat

10x IC Reverse Lunge each side (these suck!) but good for you, thanks for the idea Ultraman!  *idea*

10x IC Upright Rows

Run a slow mosey lap to the concrete parking pole, swing around and slow mosey back. 


The Force was definitely happy we didn't skip Mary, and YHC concurs.

10x IC Low Flutters with the bell

10x OYO WW2 situps with bell (An Ultraman original) 

10x IC Iron Hammers / American Twist / Mason Twist with the bell

15x ic Suzanne Summers each side, with the bell (optional, definitely adds a twist!)

10x IC Low Dolly with the bell 

More dark arts stretching up until the quarter after for 

Recover recover

The Frozen Moleskin . *shivering*

YHC was entertained to see The Force still carrying the 2:00 pace flag from the Huintersville's Half marathon.  You rock it, The Force!  You and the other 2:00 pacers earned it! 

Apple needs to work on there product.  You would think an iPhone could work for longer than 30 minutes at only 25F.  TClaps to Crab Legs for picking up the music with his phone. *clapping*

Frogger kept up the mumble chatter all morning.  As usual, did not disappoint.  *talking*

Good to see Fescue out this AM.  Come out more often!

Lawn Dart fart sacked through the Standard, even after HC the night before.  But YHC can't fault him for that since I spent the time sipping coffee and trying to link my iPhone to a BlueTooth speaker sitting in the truck.  

Rocket did a great job with the 12 Pains of Christmas at the Wilderness yesterday.  According to my Garmin, it was one of the hardest, if not the hardest, workout YHC has recorded according to the "Training Effect" widget (YMMV).  Nice job, Rocket!

Thanks *fistbump* to all the Pax that showed this AM!  Be safe in your travels this holiday season! *present*

TG sends,

AYE *merica*