Jingle Bellz

Event Date

Dec 20, 2019


20 x SSH (IC)

10 x Squats (IC)

15 x Monkey Humpers (IC)

15 x Cotton Pickers (IC)

Arm Circles forward and backwards


20 x KB Around the world – 10 each direction OYO

20 x KB Curls both hands or 10 each arm as needed OYO

10 x KB Merkins- Right hand on bell- 10 OYO

20 x KB Halo- 10 total OYO, 10 R and 10 L

10 x KB Lawn mower pulls EACH arm OYO

10 x KB Squat press – OYO

10 x KB Iversons – OYO

10 x KB Upright rows OYO

10 x KB Merkins- Left hand on bell- 10 OYO

10 x American KB swings

10 x Sidewinders

20 x Single arm shoulder press- each side OYO

10 x Deadlift OYO

20 x Lying lat pulls

20 x Lying skull crushers  OYO

10 x Sit and press

Repeato for max rounds


LBC (IC) x 15

Low flutter (IC) x 20

Pretzel crunch (IC) x 15 Left and right


Whatever you have learned, received, heard, or seen in me, put it into practice.  And the God of peace will be with you.  Phillipians 4:9   Work and strive every day to be better Christians, men, fathers, husbands, etc…

Name-a-rama and prayer out

Twinkle has a bow sight that is impossible to miss your target.

Sparrow said he had same sight on his F-16, but is was called the Death Dot, if I recall correctly. 

Boucher was his usual chipper self, even after a night of too much pizza. 

Great morning, Men!  A pleasure to lead as always; however, I fell like I phoned this one in.  Still not 100% after my cold.  Thank you for getting after it.