JAVA 9 men entered 10 men finished


Mosey from Stbx to Walgreens parking lot. 

Stretch the calves and ankles,

IST – 11

Cotton Pickers -12

SSH -13

Mosey to Kenton place Fountain

14 – Squats 

15 – Windmills 

10 – merkins

Mosey to Robbins Park hit the benchs

10 step ups each lego OYO 

10 –  Dips 

5 Burpees OYO for Outlaw 

Mosey back to  STBX  for Mary


Full Moon 15 LBC

Mini Me 10 WWII sit ups

Thug  15 count Rosalitas 

Stromboli taking us out with 10 Crunch Frogs

Naked Mole Skin-

Always an honor to lead such a fine group of hard chargers.  Shaken mumbled something about it being a running workout but was confused by the Merkins and the Burpees.  Tagless, Soprano and Omar lead the run and left most of us in the dusk.  Shaken in the absence of Outlaw banged banged the Q for the burpee portion of the show.   Mini Me met up with us for Mary and joined in after a strong run with Billy Bob. 

All men earned their Java to day and as always an Honor to lead and humbled by your strength