2020 Goal Setting

Friday morning started like most others, except for this one thing.  I'm no longer the Master Q at Emmaus.
I turned the keys over to Ramrod after three years of 0445 starts (with a brief period of 0500 starts – thanks Blackbeard).
Running with Pain Stations was on the menu, but JimmyO, Red Ocktober, and Nacho Libre had rucking on the brain.  
They left the running with pain to Crocs, Blackberry, Ramrod and YHC.
The fantastic four took off towards the side entrance and looped the greenway and back up through the neighborhood.  We stopped for no apparent reason and utilized the what the area had to offer to force out some reps after a week of merkins, pull-ups, and squats.
We rounded the round-about and ended the 1st F portion with some stretches that appeared to be much needed.
Shortly after, we were joined by a fully dressed for work, Stray and a somewhat dressed Carpet Bagger.
  • Run 3 miles
  • 100 Squats
  • 40 Dips
  • 20 Muricans
  • .25 mile lunge walk
  • Stretches
3rd F:
Things Learned Today:
  • Not all goals are created equal.  Some goals actually keep us from achieving other more satisfying goals for our lives.
  • Crocs is a dedicated and focused SOB.
  • In about 30 minutes, 8 or so people out of 9 will develop a heightened focus on their goals.
  • The word "Should" is an indicator that you are paying attention to someone else's goal; not your own.
  • Your guidelines for you goals are your Values, Vision, Mission, and Purpose.  If the goal doesn't support those… not your goal.
F3 has had a huge impact on my life and I am looking to give back. 
Last year one of my major goals was to achieve my Professional Coaching Certification so I could do that.  
I achieved that goal in December after 90 hours of instruction, 100+ hours of 1:1 coaching, countless projects and exams, and some grit.
Now I can use these skills to give back and thats what this morning was about. 

Men, this morning you all set off in new directions to achieve bigger and better things in 2020.  We'll check in, as Crocs suggested, the first Friday of each month at Emmaus.