Breakfast Club – OTB

Event Date

Jan 04, 2020


Ten men ventured into an unusally dark gloom at 7:00 am for different running distances.  (Quiet Riot also ran but not registered).  Some ran 3, some 4, and even had one run more than 6 or 7 miles. 

It's becoming obvious Omega likes to start late so he can pass everyone during the run. He is at least starting to figure out Strava though!  Soprano will soon give in to the Strava club…..

Stromboli is getting faster and faster without even really trying.  Scary. 

As usual, the run didn't just end with coffee but breakfast!  Also had guest appearances for breakfast by Sudz and Moby Dick. 

Not much of a backblast but want to make sure Omega and Soprano get credit for showing up somewhere!