Stroll around paininsula with some merkins

Warm up:

ssh 20x, ts 10x, Apollo ohno 20, ist 10x, caterpillar with merkin 20

mosey to quad

the thang:

20 reps of 20 exercises for 2020

diamond merkins 10x, walking lunge to next corner

jump lunges 20, sprint to next corner

merkins 10x, sprint to next corner

jump squats 20, walking lung to next corner

heels to heaven 10x

mosey between buildings

Decline merkin 10x

step ups 20

dips 10x

incline merkin 10x

W 10x

Mosey to street

man maker merkin 20x, sprint to next intersection 

step back lung 20, sprint to next intersection

shoulder touch merkin 20x, sprint to next intersection 

LBC 10x, sprint to intersection 

monkey humpers 10x

mosey to rocks

Rock curls 10x

Rock squats 10x, move 5 to right 

‘Rock skull crushers 10x, move 5 to left

Rock shoulder press 10x, move 5 to left

rock bent over row 10x

put rock back, mosey to flag, pledge

mosey back to home base


merkin time bomb 5-4-3-2-1

6 other Mary exercises as we went around the circle with pax Mary selection 


Bag boy called me out on not completing 20 caterpillars w merkins, I lost track of my count when Kid Rock showed up late

Some of the pax stated that the caterpillar w merkin was really a burpee so that I would get punched by Outlaw but Outlaw confirmed that it was not a burpee!

many complaints as we started with diamond merkins and then walking lunges

many real estate comments/remarks as I took the pax on a stroll thru the neighborhood 

land shark, great to see you at Paininsula

thug, Jenny, oyster, beefcake, Yosemite, and hat trick thanks for the Mary exercises

gnarly Goat thanks for taking us out in prayer