Stairway To Heaven

Event Date

Jan 09, 2020


FNG-1 is Laggard from Meca that is now from Corn/Hunt. (sorry bro. couldn't find you)

After a brief recognition that the temperature was neither the actual temp or the "feels like" temp, the PAX gathered in the cold and damp bowels of the LFC parking lot to take on the Stairway to Heaven.  Only… they didn't know that's what they were about to do.

The following events are true, but no names have been changed in an effort to incriminate all who participated as well as those who read the following.  Should you choose to read beyond this point, you can hold neither YHC, LFC, or F3 LKN responsible.



  • Mosey the length of each parking lot as a group while Ramrod continued getting out of the car
  • Collect the 6 as we circled up for warm-ups
  • 20 SSHs IC
  • 20 ISTs IC
  • 15 WCs IC
  • 15 WMs IC
  • Girl fight 1 min


  • Grab blocks and line up along the wooded edge of the back parking lot facing Gilead Rd.


  • 20 Squats
  • Lunge walk with block to other side of parking lot
  • 20 Curls
  • Bear crawl back w/out block
  • 20 Muricans
  • Lunge walk back w/out block
  • 20 Skull crushers

Total of 7 rounds decreasing by two reps per exercise per round until round 6. Round 6 & 7 both took advantage of 10 reps per for a total of over 777 reps.

  • 7 mins warm-up
  • 7 rounds
  • 777+ reps
  • 7 mins (1 of returning the blocks and 6 mobility minutes)

Only mild grumbling and mumblechatter from the PAX as we ebbed and flowed up and down Jacob's Ladder.

A fantastic time was had by all and the temp at the end of the workout was closer to the actual temp than the "feels like" on the weather app.


Thank you to all PAX for showing up and showing out today.  Great work.

I am humbled for the honor of leading Samson.  Thank you Hoff for bestowing such an honor.