Where’s Soprano…and Blackbeard, and Titan, and Skipper?

Not Listed:  Camelback, Mohito, and Booda(?)


21 men showed up for the Mighty Jungle (i'm not sure why!??), but conspicuously absent was Soprano, after he had coordinated the Standard!!!  Furthermore, we finished with only 18, after Blackbeard, Titan, and Skipper ghosted!!!!!

We got things started with a little mosey towards the school, then circled up for some Warm-a-rama.  The mumblechatter kicked into high gear when we started with Toy Soldiers, instead of the customary SSH, and it didn't let up from there.

After warming up, we moseyed to Copperhead hill for some Quadraphilia and Mericans, then moseyed to the round-a-bout for some Cacka-lacka Choo Choo.  Then it was back to Copperhead hill for some more Quadraphilia and Squats, and topped off with reverse Crabwalks up the hill.

Next, we moseyed to the school for People's Chair and Ball/Butts to the Wall.  YHC jokingly called Handstand Mericans while doing Balls/Butts to the Wall, and Carpet Bagger actually did it!  Props!!

On to the blocks/pavers for some arm work, but first 10 'good' Pull-Ups, followed by High Curls, Low Curls, Full Curls, Skull Crushers, Shoulder Press, and Bentover Rows.  We tried to Lawnmowers with the pavers, but it was a little tough to grip the pavers!  Repeato.

Mosey back to the school for Mary, but I promised the Pax that I would reduce the number of Burpees that we would do by 1 for each piece of trash we picked up along the way.  After we deposited the trash and got to the school, I informed them that I wasn't going to do any Burpees anyways!  We wrapped up with some Dot-the-i's and J-Lo's.

  • Thanks for the strong turnout today, and the impressive mumblechatter!
  • Hippie discovered that i like to incorporate some dance inbetween my exercises.  He's just jealous!
  • Crocs and Pit Stop are the most recent F3 couple, which they proudly displayed with their matching headbands!  Congrats guys!!
  • Pit Stop also won 'Best Dressed' today!
  • A bunch of guys did a 3 mile Standard, even though Soprano was a no-show!  I'm not sure this is all of them, but Mohito, Rocket, Booda, Skipper, El Tigre, Crocs, Pit Stop, Surf and Turf…