Grab the stick

Event Date

Jan 17, 2020

**Not in the system: Camel Back**

12 PAX and 1 Pup of F3's finest met up this morning where the weather was much cooler than it has been the past few days and I was happy. This is their story (DUH DUH DUHHHHHH  **Law and Order Music**)

The Standard:

  • I'm rolling in about 5 till 5 and was rudely cut off by Rooter even though technically he had the right of way…. Agree to disagree
  • Qbert rolls in at 4:59 with his patented music blasting away
  • We go on a fellowship stroll for 3 miles and talked about life, kids, and jobs.


  • The standard ran a little late so we rolled in right at 5:30. After a quick shedding of my hoodie, we were off.
  • Serpentine pattern through the parking lot including high knees, butt kickers, and kareoke.
  • Circle up by pull up bars
    • SSH
    • IST
    • Carrot Puller
    • Toy Soldier
    • Mericans

Grab a block

The Thang:

  • 5 pull ups, 5 Bonnie Blair Burpees
  • Skull Crusher IC
  • Shoulder Press IC
  • Curls IC
  • Squat IC
  • Bent Over Row IC
    • Round 1: x10 IC run a full lap
    • Round 2: x15 IC run a lap but take the next closest parking lane
    • Round 3: x20 IC run a lap but take the next closest parking lane
    • Round 4: x15 IC run a lap but take the next closest parking lane
    • Round 5: x10 Return blocks and run back to launch
  • Mary
    • Low flutter x25 IC
    • Low dolly x15IC

Recover Recover




  • Nice conversation this morning during the standard combining the first 2 F's
  • Rodeo's pup Chewy was awesome! Always up front during the runs fine job.
  • Caboose is the burpee king, if you ever need burpee advice he is your man
  • We learned not to put your block down early or else Baller will call you something that will hurt your feelings.
  • Thank you Bunyan for the opportunity to lead

Until next time….. Mr. H