Turnpike Returns!…almost

Event Date

Jan 25, 2020

5 PAX took to the streets to celebrate the return of the turnpike. He wasn’t able to make it but that didn’t slow us down any. Headed over to the adjacent neighborhood did some loops with some pain.Started with a mosey, stopped for a little warmer Rama with SSH, IST, toy soldiers. When we got to the loops we did Americans, squats, WW2s all X10 IC, then run a loop. After the loop repeat though adding one loop each time. We made it up to four loops, then decided to head back. Stopped at the middle school for some dips Americans, just to get those arms properly warmed up for the snake eyes Q at estate. Then headed back, after about 3 mi, YHC had to dip out for the queue at BRP, the rest of the packs kept running, I can only assume they did another 6 miles or so. Moleskin- TP wasn’t able to make it, but EHing an FNG is a pretty good excuse so we’ll let him slide, hope the boys enjoy the estate.-Carpetbagger was cruising, leading the pack the entire way. He also shared with us his goal for 300 workouts this year, awesome goal and best of luck, will try to keep you accountable as we can.-All in all it was pretty great running weather and a great start to the morning. Wish I could stay for a state but I know it’s in good hands with snake eyes and I have to bring some pain to BRP.