Blocks and rocks

Grab some blocks…


SSHx 10

Mosey to first curve in track

ISTx 10

Backward run to next curve

Windmill x 10

Mosey to next curve

Reverse Breakdance x 10

Backward run


Partner up…

100 center block curls between partners  – partner on other side of track does 5 rock skull crushers – run/flip flop

100 over head press / rock curls


Partner plan merkins on center block – 10

Partner center block hand clap sit-ups – 15



Mosey to the outpost

Wheel barrel up ramp  – 1 Burpee run back down and flip – flop  – up to 4 Burpees


Partner hand clap sit-up  – 10

Partner hand-shake merkins x 10


People’s chair

Donkey kicks x 10


Pole ups x 10


Mosey to benches

Butt touches x 10

Incline Merkin x 10


Can opener on curb x 5


Bear crawl around poles


Jump ups – 5


1 arm air presses  – 5


Al Gore on columns 10 count



Curb partner hand-clap sit-ups – 10

Curb partner hand shake merkins – 10


Partner carry


Traveling Mary

First corner – 10 WWII

Run to second curve – LBC x 10

Run to third curve – Low flutter x 10

Back to first curve  – 10 WWII

Jump squat time bomb   – 3

Shoulder touch Merkins x 10



I was quickly told by the PAX that on a track there is no corner…… ok let’s go with curve

Welcome to the Turnpike's FNG Messiah, hope he comes back to get his naming. Pink shoe strings and then at breakfast pink icing/cream cheese….not sure where his name is going.

Had to improvise as I was going to hit the field and the hills today but it was a little muddy…..these runners and fancy shoes

Can’t remember who it was but someone cleared the wall and all was put on pause until it went away……was that Tantrum..

As always it’s an honor to have the opportunity to lead, thanks for Rooter. I know we all say it but it is so true how F3 has made an impact on my/our lives!