Get out before the gates close

18 of the fastest men in Isotope (including Coin Toss still not on the website) raced through Davidson before the gates closed on us at Halflife. Here is their story:


Auto and Turncoat launched for 8 miles of tempo



1 mile warm up

5 miles at tempo pace

1 mile cool down


  • Awesome morning to run fast…felt like Tempo Thursday was back except it was Wednesday
  • Some really fast times…awesome to watch Cherry Bomb crush a tempo out of nowhere…keep the balance brother
  • Watch out for a "fun" 40th birthday announcement from Little Finger…he has a…ummmm…plan
  • TOP brought the magic this morning and all of the runners. Nice work gents. Who has the Q at HL next week?
  • Thanks to Duvall for the opportunity to Q at Halflife. It was time to get back to getting up on a Wednesday. Thanks to the Lake Forest Men's Ministry for the EH (Email headlock in my case) and to the pax for the constant encouragement and motivation. You men are awesome. Until the next time…