JAVA visits Blythe Landing

Event Date

Jan 30, 2020


9 men emerged from the gloom with the promise of new sights and visiting new places at JAVA and they were not disappointed

The Thang:

3.5 miles total up 73 to Blythe Landing and back, exercises included Mericans X 80, LBCs X 120, CDD's X 20

Low Flutters X 30, Cotton Pickers X 20, Downward Dog, Multiple calf stretches, Hamstring stretches on the fence at Blythe

Naked Man Moleskin:

1) Great route, but the crossing at Catawba always raises some concerns, but motorists were courteous today.

2) Tagless, Omar, Hippie and Riverboat set the pace, By that we mean they ran way ahead and waited for the rest of us

3) Great to have Hippie back at JAVA!

4) Runs will launch from Birkdale Saturday from 7-7:30AM depending on distances and pace followed by breakfast at Bad Daddies 8ish

5) Thanks for the opportunity to lead this group this morning Full Moon – it was an honor and privilege as always

