Roll the dice

Event Date

Feb 01, 2020


10 IC Tony Hawk
10 IC Carolina Dry Docks
10 IC Cotton Pickers
10 IC Imperial Storm Troopers
10 IC Windmill

The Thang
Mosey to the track, concrete steps
Box jump each step up, 20 calf raises at the top, 5 LBC each step down.
Mosey to the track, brick pile, get 2 bricks each and set on track.
10 IC Curls (alternating arms, 4 count)
10 IC Skull Crushers with 2 bricks

Break out the bag with dice.
Each PAX rolls the dice, and we do what is decided for us.
One dice has numbers: 5,7,8,10,12,15
The other dice has exercises: Squats, Burpees, Leg Throws (Switch and repeat), Allen Iverson, Punch Sit Ups (Switch and repeat), Run ¼ lap on track and back
WIth only 4 PAX, we did this twice.

5 IC Curls (alternating arms, 4 count)
5 IC Skull Crushers with 2 bricks
(Return the bricks)

Mosey to the field house wall
20 OYO Wall Push Ups (on your toes facing wall, fall toward the wall, catch yourself and push back up)
10 OYO One arm (Right) Wall Push Ups (Stand about 3 feet from wall, lean into wall, one arm pushup)
10 OYO One arm (Left) Wall Push Ups (Stand about 3 feet from wall, lean into wall, one arm pushup)
10 IC Merkins

5 IC Dr. W’s
5 Xs and Os
10 IC Dying Cockroach
10 IC Freddy Merks

Reflection –
Proverbs 16:33 (ESV)
33  The lot is cast into the lap,
    but its every decision is from the LORD.

Do you understand that? That is why I like reading the same scripture from different translations to
make sure I get the point. Here is another translation of the same verse that might be easier to get.

Proverbs 16:33 (NLT)
33  We may throw the dice,
    but the LORD determines how they fall.

This verse reminds us that God is in control. I don’t know that he decided what exercises we did today, but I do know that he is guiding my life and in control. God is sovereign.


  • New Guys is Kirk Davis, 59, of northern Denver area, originally from Iowa.  We did not nickname him today, but upon his return we wll owe him that.  This guy gave much effort!  He was in the Marine Corps, and now disabled.  Guy has had both knees replaced, so running and getting up and down was something we made modifications for, but he did great.
  • Abrams and Diesel were the perfect PAX to have with me today.  They knew how to push themselves and yet allow me to make scalable modifications to accomodate all.  
  • I forgot how a small group makes for no less of a workout.
  • Abrams liked the one arm wall merkins.
  • Felt pretty darn comfortable for high 30's today.