When You Close Your Eyes

Event Date

Feb 05, 2020

YHC reached out to the MQ last night trying to get an HC for the date for Polar Bear (for Mighty Jungle staffing purposes). Freedom could have just mentioned it was set for 2/29 — A Leap Bear — but in typical #ISI fashion he blackmailed me into Qing at NightRanger in exchange for the information. At first I was caught off guard by the next day request, but in the end I accepted the offer knowing I was overdue for a return to the evening workout.

I arrived 12 minutes early hoping to test an idea before committing to it. But Freedom and Mr Hand were already there to witness my horrible parking job. With a light rain falling, the trio moved to the deck just as Liger was arriving. For awhile I thought it would be a quartet, but as 1915 approached, so did Crocs, Pitstop and Camelback. A quick disclaimer about challenging yourself #YouVsYou style rather than pacing yourself to the out-of-shape Q and we got started. 


We moved to the lowest deck where we started with CoP:

  • SSH x15 IC
  • Slow Squats x15 IC
  • Dry Docks x15 IC

We then ran up a level and repeated the series, but with only x10 IC of each. Another run to the nexl landing with x5 IC of each exercise and then a return to the bottom via the stairs where each man grabbed a cinder block.

I assigned a number 1-7 for each of the pax and than gave the instructions. Pax #1 would throw the 25# slam ball overhead up the deck to the next level. Meanwhile the rest of the pax would mosey to the top (bringing brick the first trip) and do AMRAP of the called exercise until #1 arrived. Repeato with pax #2 throwing to next level with the balance doing a new exercise AMRAP. Pax #3 would throw overhead, but going *down* two levels to end at bottom again. Meanwhile the rest of the group would descend the stairs and do yet another exercise until ball thrower returned.

We would repeat the cycle until all 7 pax had an oppotunity to toss the slam ball. Then we repeatoed with new exercises while throwing the ball backwards over our head. After everyone cycled through that set, we tripeatoed, but this the the thrower “snapped” the ball between his legs.

As best I can remember, we did the following exercises throught the workout (TClaps to the men who helped me with ideas when my mind would blank out): Curls, Merkins, Burpees, Skull Crushers, WWII Situps, Suzanne Sommers, Shoulder Press, Dips, Chest Press, Incline Merkins, Balls to the Wall, Lawnmowers, LBC, American Hammer, Bent Over Row, SSH, Goblet Squat, People’s Chair, Bobby Hurleys and (I’m missing one – what was it?).

After everyone had three rounds with the slam ball, we dropped the ball, moseyed back to middle level and did more WWIIs x10 with blocks. With time running out, we Zamperini‘ed to the bottom, returned blocks and re-assembled in FLR. We added some Downward Dog to stretch the calves followed by some Pigeon. At 2000 we recovered, prayed it out, and reconvened for a couple beers. 

It coulda been done
in a different kinda way
But that ain’t you
You play tough when you play
It’s over now
I bet you still think about me


  • Prayers for Carpetbagger who had to (reluctantly) sit this one out to rest his zombie-leg per Snoopy’s orders
  • BZ (again) to Freedom for “suckering” me into a Q at NightRanger. 
  • The plan was to skip the golden beverage, but that fell through when Crocs picked up the tab (thanks!)
  • Liger recently moved to Northstone from MECA. Glad to have you with us and looking forward to seeing you more regularly.
  • Pitstop prefers not to do the same workout/run twice. Lucky for him, neither do I (except maybe the occasional repeat game of Memory)
  • Speaking of Pitstop, he called out the general pax for some poor nicknaming in recent weeks. Let’s make sure to get his input for the next FNG!
  • Camelback is trying to stay under the radar with his “tame” nick, but I haven’t forgotten about “Two Humps”!
  • I don’t think I’ve met Mr Hand prior to tonight. Pitstop didn’t think he had until Freedom pointed out that he’s been a regular (with Pitstop) at NightRanger for the past several weeks. 
  • NightRanger with HDHH following is an underrated gem. If you haven’t been in awhile, you should definitely make a point to visit soon.