Roses Are Red and other musings

Event Date

Feb 14, 2020

My first Q was lots of fun. I hope no one noticed the burpees that I cleverly disquised as "4x4s". Don't want to be accused of being a lazy Q on my first one. Though, I must admit that by the 3rd set, I was seriously regretting that I threw them into the workout.

I want to thank all the men that came out and all of those that wanted to post but weren't able to. It's a humbling experience to be able to lead such a fine group of leaders.

We wasted no time and started warm-ups at 0530 sharp!



15 x SSH (IC)

15 x Cotton Pickers (IC)

15 x Toy Soldiers (IC)

15 x Windmills (IC)

Arm Circles forward and backwards

Hug yourself



Follow each exercise with one 4×4 (burpee into plank, followed by 4 Merkins, followed by 4 Mountain Climbers, recover on Q's signal);


15 x KB Uhauls IC

KB Ribbon rotations (follow Q – each direction)

15 x KB Lawn Mower Pulls OYO (each arm)

KB Halos (follow Q – each direction)

15 x KB Skull Crushers IC

15 x KB Curls IC

15 x KB Upright Rows OYO

Give a Valentine's Day Hug to yourself


**Repeat set, reducing reps to 10


**Repeat set, reducing reps to 5



15 x LBC (IC) 

15 x Low flutter (IC) 

15 x Pretzel crunch (IC) 


Reflection:  Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.  Matthew 5:9


Though Jesus walked the earth as 100% God, he humbled himself as a servant to make peace with everyone, even among those who reviled him. In the same way, we are called to be peacemakers in our homes, workplaces, and communities. It takes two to argue, but only one is needed to make peace. Making peace requires that we lay down our lives for the sake of another. Some examples of how this might look in our daily life are;


  1. Giving up our right to being right. Sometimes insisting on being right is just wrong.
  2. Not insisting on our own way. Sometimes we just want what we want, even if what we want it at the expense of another person. Always be willing to do the things that you or no one else wants to do.
  3. Forgiving others who wrong us. We forgive others, because we are forever changed by how God forgave us.



Mumble Chatter

Lots of loogie swallowing this morning.

Mater attempted Jedi mindtricks to throw me off, but I think I passed the test.

I'm not sure it's safe to bring up gun conversations with Tickle yet. I was, however, able to confirm that he isn't former military and didn't train at "The Farm". I just know that he can really bang out those Merkins.

A few PAX were a little upset that we ended 5 minutes early. But, Hey! Consider those precious 5 minutes my Valentine's Day gift to you.

On a serious note, we remembered the lives that were impacted last weekend in a tragic car accident in South Carolina that took the lives of a recent Lincoln Charter graduate Mia Stokes, 18, and her college softball teammate Grace Revels, 20. Mia's twin sister and another teammate in the car survived the accident and are currently being treated for their injuries. Please keep them and their families in prayer. Also, please keep the young man responsible for the accident and his family in prayer as well. From what I understand, the young man in the other car has a history of DUIs and was said to be intoxicated at the time of the accident. As horrible as this is, he's no less deserving of God's grace than we are. If he knew what we knew, he probably wouldn't have done what he did. Also, remember to frequently pray for our law enforcement, first responders, and medical professional who witness these horrible incidents far too often. Witnessing only a few has got be horrible, but these folks live it. Pray that they find peace in Jesus and that he heals their soul of any emotional trauma that they might be enduring.

It was a pleasure leading today. SYITG!

