Chocolate Chip Cookies and BJ’s

9x Pax showed to swing the bells at The Cauldron.

Master Q, Ultraman, was getting a little head

start to Boone for a Valentine's Day Weekend Get Away.  But that's OK, cuz I got this!

YHC rolled into the parking lot at 0529 and leaped out of the car with BT speaker in one hand and KB in the other.  "Pick up your bells and follow me!"


Started out with some nice, easy arm circles forward and back. This was too much for Rodeo who hauled a$$ back to the car for another layer of clothing.  Whilst gone, his KB did disappear behind the trash can, to be found later. 

Followed by 10x IC Windmills and Cotton Pickers, downward dog calf stretches and the like. 

The Thang

10x IC Low curls, scull krushers and goblet squats. 

Decline Carolina Dry Docks using the benches, 10x IC.  Tougher than I thought. 

10x IC of High Curls, Overhead press, and 10 KB swings OYO.  

Zamperini to the SW corner of DKP

10x IC Full curls and "the Traveler" suitcase pickup, each side

Zamperini over the NW corner of DKP

10x IC Lawnmower, each side

Zamperini over to the entrance of DPK at the traffic corner

10x IC reverse lunges, each leg, with the Bell (unless you are The Force, then no bell). 

10x more KB swings OYO, 10x more Full Curls IC, 10x more declined CDD's

Partner up.  Partner 1 does 20 chest press while Partner 2 AMRAP Squats.  Repeato

Not sure what Blackbeard, Frontier, and Stapler did during this time.  I think they just improvised.  

10x step ups with the bell, each leg

Blackbeard made a comment that it was almost time for Mary, so…

Zamporin back to the parking lot

10x more Full Curls (the Force made a comment that someone was getting ready for the beach.  Maybe…)

10x more KB swing OYO


10x IC low flutters and 10x IC mason twists, with the bell

10x WW2 situps with the bell OYO

10x IC Danger Zones (basically a skull krusher with the bell above your head on the ground, then above your face)

Finished up with some dark art stretches and… Recover Recover

The Moleskin

Nice weather at around 40 this AM.  Not too bad for February.  

Happy Valentines Day to all!  Someone spoke of Chocolate Chip Cookies from the store called BJ's, but "Cookies and BJ's for Valentines Day" just sounds better. 

Stapler gets the "Awesome Kettlebell" award with a whopping 50 pounder in the shape of Boba Fett's head.  Very cool!

Rodeo is looking good out there and ready to Q at The Wilderness this Thursday.  Come on out to his VQ!

The Force hadn't worked out for a week but was glad he came out.  It seems the longer you wait between posting, the harder it is to get out of the fartsack.  

Rocket must have had some Redbull this morning.  He was very spry for 0530.  I want whatever he's having!

Frogger.  The mumblechatter is strong with this one.  One must show to know (S2K)  This is the way.  

Blackbeard was very quiet this morning, obviously wowwed by YHC's Qing prowess.  Maybe not.  

Thanks to Die Hard for counting cadence today.  Without his help, with all the mumble chatter, YHC would have had no idea what number we were on!  Nice work!

Thanks to Ultraman for the chance to lead!

Come out to The Might Jungle in the AM, and YHC will dish out some more foolishiness.  This is the way.  

TG sends,
