All the Fixins: Scavenger Hunt, Block Party, Round Robin, and Mobility Moment

Event Date

Feb 15, 2020

8x Pax showed on this 28F morning at The Mighty Jungle.

YHC rolled in at exactly 0800 and the Bell tolled for us to start shuffling.  Kind of like a mosey, but slower. 


Circle up at the BT speaker for a Star Wars themed warm up

Sun gods forward and back (arm circles, shoulder and tricep stretches

10x Windmill IC, 10x Cotton Pickers IC

Here's where the Star Wars comes in:*vader* This is the way 

10x Imperial Storm Troopers IC, 10x Imperial Shock Troopers (toy soldiers) IC, 

10x Tie Fighters IC (Arm circles while reverse lunging.  Harder than it sounds) #gotbalance? 

Now for the Scavenger Hunt:

(I like this font when you cut and paste from iNotes!)


The Mighty Jungle Scavenger Hunt Rules

    All Pax must stay in a group

    At each location, All Pax must do all exercises/reps

    First team back here gets 1 point

    All Correct answers get 1 point

    Losers= 20 Burpees OYO

    Winners= 20 Merkins OYO

        Therefore every pax a winner

    And may the odds be forever in you favor


Team 1    

  1. Number( #) of brick columns at School?
    1. Balls to the Wall for 30 count
    2. Curb Kicker 20x IC
    3. Peoples Chair for 20x Air Press IC
  2. # Parking Spaces in Drop-Off Circle
    1. Bear Crawl half, then Crab Walk half the Circle
    2. Lunge walk IF injury or you’re a *grumpycat*
  3. # Steps on the sidewalk by the Stoplight/Main Entrance?
    1. Bunny Hop up 3 times
    2. Each time at the top, 10x Monkey Humpers OYO *monkey*
  4. # of orange traffic cone cylinders at SE corner of parking lot
    1. 20x Merkins OYO
    2. 20x Low Flutters IC
  5. Number of vertical poles on pull up bars
    1. 10x pull ups
    2. 10x Squats
    3. 10x knee ups (Toe ups if you’re a bad *mooning*)


Team 2- Same thing but reverse order:

  1. Number (#) of vertical poles on pull up bars
    1. 10x pull ups
    2. 10x Squats
    3. 10x knee ups (Toe Ups if you’re a bad *mooning*)
  2. # of orange traffic cone cylinders at SE corner of parking lot
    1. 20x Merkins OYO
    2. 20x Low Flutters IC
  3. Number Steps on the sidewalk by the Stoplight/Main Entrance?
    1. Bunny Hop up 3 times
    2. Each time at the top, 10 Monkey Humpers OYO *monkey*
  4. # Parking Spaces in Drop-Off Circle
    1. Bear Crawl half, then Crab Walk half the Circle
    2. Lunge walk IF injury, or you’re a *grumpycat*
  5. # of Brick Columns at the School
    1. Balls to the Wall for 30 count
    2. Curb Kicker 20x IC
    3. Peoples Chair for 20x Air Press IC


Team 2 was the first team back for the extra point.

At this time, The Force touched. my iphone and it died.  Frozen.  *shivering*

Just a coincidence.  *itwasntme* I'm sure


Team 1 finally arrived and points were tallied.  Team 2 was the victor, so although Team 1 was supposed to do 20x Burpees each, they ended up splitting the 20x burpees between them, and I think Toxic did more than the entire Team 1 combined.  YMMV


On to the Block Party!  Mosey up and grab a Cindy. 


10x Low Curls, Skull Krusher, Squats IC

Mosey to Peninsula and back

10x Hi Curls, Oh Press IC and 10x block swings OYO

Mosey to Peninsula and back

10x Full Curls, 10x Declined (feet on Cindy) Caronlina Dry Docks (CDD) IC 

On your six

10x Chest Press, 10x Mason Twist IC, then 20x assisted full situps OYO 

Repeato the last line above 

On your feet for

15x Full Curls IC,  15x Block swings, 10x Declined CDD IC

Blocks back


Mosey back to Cars for 


Round Robin – Every Pax gets a turn at an Ex


Toxic – Dot the i –  Did NOT see that coming*barney*

Die Hard – Box Cutter

Panzer – Touch them heels

Rodeo – Suzanne Summers

The Force – Hip Dips – for the spare tire*aw-yeah*

Rocket – Low Flutters

Blackbeard – Senior moment here, can't remember, help in comments below! BIG Baby Crunch!  Was a crowd favorite.  YHC shlould of 'membered. 


And then, the Mobility Moment 

Sit and Reach, feet together, right leg in, left leg in

Cobbler Pose

Low Pidgeon each leg

Forward fold, revesere swan dive up, 

breath out all the Toxics. 


Recover Recover


The Moleskin


Good times out there this AM!  Good group with good mumblechatter. 

Would have been better if phone had not frozen.  Blame the Force. 

Group 1 will have to chime in on what happened during there Scavenger Hunt.

The funnier, the better. 


We have Rodeo's Virgin Q coming up this Thursday at The Wilderness.  Come out and support! 


Thanks to Toxic for the chance to lead these fine men this morning.  


TG sends, 
