Don’t break the frisbee

Event Date

Feb 15, 2020

7am (28 degrees outside) – Warm up with a quick parking lot lap (wondering how Mater talked me into this Q???). 

Then we stretched a little, did about 20 SSHs, and knocked out a few monkey humpers.


From there, we began our first circuit of workouts (x 2): 

– run to tennis courts for suicides

– run to top of the parking lot for 15 LBCs (facing the road)

– run to end of the parking lot for 15 Push-ups

– run to benches for 15 step ups

On to the 2nd Circuit (x 1):

– run to side of the school and do 15 box jumps

– run to back of the school for 15 reach jumps on the brick wall

– run to lower practice field for 2 rounds of quadraphilia 

– run to pull-up bar for max pull-ups

Finally – we've got about 25 minutes left and decided to play some ultimate frisbee. Dropped passes required everyone to do 5 push-ups or squats. Needless to say, we probably did over 100 push-ups and ran for rougly 3 miles altogether…but who's counting?

We would have had higher numbers on those push-ups and miles ran, but somebody (Stitches) finallllly caught a pass and, in overwhelming excitement, spiked the frisbee into destruction.


There are no referees in ultimate frisbee; it's a game that requires players to have a spirit of sportsmanships and places the responsiblity for fair play on the players. Such is oftentimes the case in life – we don't always have a referee to tell us if we've stepped out of bounds, so it is on us to always be self-aware and maintain a life of integrity that is governed by our moral compass and faith.

~ It's been a while for sure, but I definitely enjoyed leading you all Saturday. P-funK