Something about Mary

Event Date

Feb 24, 2020


We had a great day of pain to our abs with a little running. Started off mosey to end of parking lot with side stradel hop, cotton pickers, toy solider, and imperial storm tropper. Mosey to front of school with dips, people's chair with air press, standing Merikan w/clap on the wall, and then regular merikans, mosey to the other parking lot for 20 lbc run to the other corner of lot and 10 Jane Fondas on each legs and then repeat. Moved to other side of parking lot with 20 World war II's and run to another corner of the lot with 20 W's and then repeat. Then we made our way to the back of the school with 20 step ups in cadience on a 4 count 10 single count incline mericans at 3 diffrent inclince followed by 5-10 decline merikans at 2 diffrent declines. finished with shoulder touch plank before moseying to the hill that leads to the track. Quadrapelia up and run down the hill. Everyone picked a Mary exercise between here and the car. Snake eyes made sure we got the real shoulder touch merikan in durring mary.

It was a great time, the mumble chatter tripped me up a few times this morning, but that is what made it great. Brady is getting a new alarm App so he makes it out next time. Lots of mumble chatter about Turnpike being missed as well this morning. Jaws just got back from a Cruise Saturday and is not feeling good so where a mask if you see him over the next 14 days. It has been great to be posting more and having all of you hold me accountable!