Got. Blended.

Event Date

Mar 03, 2020

7 of the fastest pax in Isotope took a secret field trip to F3 GAGA without even knowing it at The Blender. Here is their story:




YHC met The Standard for ~3 miles with 6x400s rolled in




Dynamic warmup around GCC


Slow mosey to the side parking lot


SSH x 25 IC

IST x 10 IC

Carrot puller x 10 IC




Full curls x 10 IC

KB press x 15 IC

Skull crusher x 20 OYO

KB swing x 40 OYO

400m run around GCC


Hand release Merican x 10 OYO

WWII sit-ups x 20 OYO

Hand release Merican x 10 OYO

LBC x 20 OYO

400 m run around GCC


Full curls x 15 IC

KB press x 15 IC

Skull crusher x 20 OYO

KB swing x 40 OYO

400m run around GCC


Hand release Merican x 15 OYO

WWII sit-ups x 20 OYO

Hand release Merican x 15 OYO

LBC x 20 OYO

400 m run around GCC


Full curls x 15 IC

KB press x 15 IC

Skull crusher x 20 OYO

KB swing x 40 OYO

400m run around GCC


Hand release Merican x 15 OYO

WWII sit-ups x 20 OYO

Hand release Merican x 15 OYO

LBC x 20 OYO

400 m run around GCC


Mosey back to the start for MARY 




Mobility minute


Recover recover





  • Heal up Bam Bam…hope the back start looseing up
  • Caboose was very disappointed in the lack of tootsie roll burpees
  • Bunyan went hard for the first two sprints and then starting mailing it in…he did have a huge KB though 
  • Bagboy was secretly hoping Chelsea's Little Sister would show up…she ummm wasn't in town today
  • Crimson loves The Blender
  • Flo is converging The Blender for the monthly running of The Vern next Tuesday 
  • Thanks to Flo for the opportunity to Q at The Blender. Nice to see Hell's Ascent will be back open soon. Just need some grass. Thanks to the men of Isotope for the constant encouragement and motivation. You men continue to inspire YHC and keep YHC accountable. Thanks for joining this morning. Until the next time…