Finkle Frisbee

Event Date

Mar 07, 2020

Disclaimer given


Arm Circles Forward – OYO

Arm Circles Reverse – OYO

Hug Yourself – OYO

Merkins – 10 IC

Plank Jack – 10 IC

Ray Finkle Right Leg – 10 IC

Ray Finkle Left Leg – 10 IC

Windmills – 10 IC

Parking lot lap to block pile and grab a block

Overhead Press – 15 IC

Curls – 15 IC

Skull Crushers – 15 IC

Return blocks and mosey to football field end zone


The Thang = Finkle Frisbee:

Partner up. Partner A is QB and Partner B is receiver. QB grabs a frisbee and 2 pain cards from the deck. Starting from the end zone where pain cards are, receiver goes out any distance up to 15 yards max. QB throws frisbee to receiver. If pass is complete, perform 10 reps from exercise designated on 1 of the pain cards from the point where the pass was caught. If pass is incomplete, complete 10 reps from exercise designated on 1 pain card from QB position.


Alternate exercises on each of the 2 playing cards as passes are caught or dropped. Advance down field to the 10 yard line, then 1 attempt to throw the frisbee through the field goal uprights. 1 point is scored if field goal is good. Sprint to opposite end zone, QB and receiver switch positions, grab 2 new pain cards and repeato down field. Highest score wins.


When time is up, team(s) with most points perform burpees while losing teams take a victory lap around the track.



LBC’s – 15 IC



Use your God given talents to help others.

1 Peter 4:10 “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s grace.”



Team Bertha/Sonar started off strong and advanced down field quickly with some great frisbee throws and catches. However, they were unable to capitalize on their quick navigation down field as their efforts to throw a frisbee through football uprights from 15 yards out resulted into some classic Ray Finkle wide left action. Final score after several drives down field was 2 points. YHC did overhear team Bertha/Sonar complain about the cards they drew which led to their poor scoring. For some, it’s difficult to throw a frisbee 1-15 yards after drawing the burpee and merkin cards. Other complaints were related to the size, quality and regulation of the official frisbees used today.

Team Boucher/C# started off slow with a few dropped passes, but quickly found their groove and began making some sweet completions. In the end, team Boucher/C# recall scoring 4 points. Other teams recall them having something less than 4. Booth review was requested and denied.

Team Mater/Twinkle was unable to advance the frisbee downfield for the first 15 minutes of play. Apparently, QB Mater has never seen or thrown a frisbee. The concept of throwing a remotely catchable pass was a major obstacle for Mater to overcome. This teams abs were swole AF as nearly all the cards we drew were core exercises. However, besides YHC being a physical powerhouse, he is also highly conditioned athlete who was able to turn this likely upset into a victory. Mater/Twinkle scored 4 hard-earned points.

Teams Boucher/C# and Mater/Twinkle tied the event with 4 points and were rewarded with burpees as team Bertha/Sonar took a victory lap around the track. The burpee group was impressed with the speed in which Bertha/Sonar was able to complete their lap. The 5 minute lap was quite a struggle for the burpee group.

Good times this morning gentleman and pleasure to lead. Hope you all have a great weekend!
