Goal Check

0445 came super fast this last Friday.  So did this last Friday.  This marks the 3rd monthly check in on our yearly goals at Emmaus.

1st F:

  • We toured the AO briefly then did a series of parking lot work Dora Style
  • Followed by 15 minutes of Broga to stretch out the weeks sore muscles

3rd F:

  • Goal check around the room
  • What was your goal?
  • Did you write it down or not?
  • How did writing down your goal/not affect the outcome so far?

Most had written down their goals.  There were a few that had not.  Not surprising, but the ones that had goals clearly written down had seen more progress than the others.  That said, all still seemed to be on track.


A big idea surfaced to invigorate neighborhoods that may not look like ours in the Lake Norman Area.

Big things on the horizon.  Stay tuned.

For more information, join the Emmaus channel in Slack. (ask Ramrod how).